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My first role was when I was 9 years old, and I found a copy of The Wind In The Willows in my school library - but it was written differently! It didn’t take me long to realise that this was something you acted out! I remember taking it to my teacher and asking her if we could do it with the class and if I could “please play Mole” - and to her eternal credit, and my eternal gratitude – she said yes.

Who knew that this little introduction would spark a life-long passion.


I went on to train as an actress, graduating in 1992 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from QUT, Creative Industries in Brisbane, Australia before moving to London and starting my career by street performing in Covent Garden.


The 1990s saw me acting and improvising in theatre across the UK and North America, and even returning briefly to Australia to work with Queensland Theatre. 


Although I landed small roles in film and television - including the staples of the time that everyone did (The Bill, One Foot in the Grave, Queer as Folk… the list goes on) - I was always drawn to theatre, and my favourite memories of that time are all about touring the world, visiting fringe festivals, honing my craft and being inspired by the companies and artists I met.


I was also working on the London stand-up comedy circuit during this time with highlights including headlining at the Vancouver International Comedy Festival and the Women in Comedy gala at the Edmonton Street Performers Festival. I was featured on Funny Business for LWT and eventually retired from both comedy and street performing with an appearance on The Graham Norton Show in 2003.


My CPD includes ongoing training with organisations including Rc-Annie, Frantic Assembly, Shakespeare & Company and RADA.

My career on the street started in 1993, and for the next 10 years I was the only female street performer in London’s Covent Garden, and one of only four women world-wide to perform and tour a solo-circle show.

I was known as the ‘flaming limbo lady – with the finale of my act involving stripping down to a madcap corset and setting my boobs on fire as I descended under a flaming limbo pole!  

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